JUAN CARLOS TORRES NANAK (Peru) (PLASTIC ARTIST STUDIOS A graduate of the Escuela Superior de Arte "Ignacio Merino" in Piura With First Place Promotion "Fernando de Szyszlo" in 1994. He lives in Lima, Peru. nanakejc@hotmail.com Studies: 2000-2001 Printmaking Workshop, National Museum of Printmaking 1990-1994 Buenos Aires, Argentina Drawing - Painting Art School "Ignacio Merino" Piura, Peru 1988-1989 Painting Workshop "José Sabogal" - Chiclayo Peru 1988-1989 Drawing Workshop "José Sabogal," Chiclayo Peru.
Solo Exhibitions: 1995 "Latin American Roots" Gallery Rectorate UN-Piura. 1996 "Paintings, sculptures and prints" Banco Wiese Gallery Casa Museo Miguel Grau. Piura 1996 "Millenary Presence in the Paint Piurana "Alliance Française Gallery Piura. 1997" Peru Deep I "Gallery Taexpolsa Miraflores-Lima. 1998" Peru Profundo II "Installation: Back from the Past and be Lord Chamber of Visual Arts" VICUS "Piura Municipal Museum. Two-person exhibition" Homage to Women "Grill Restaurant Costa Verde-Miraflores-Lima. 1999" The Mystery of Sipan "Installation" Back from the Past and be Lord "Banco Wiese Gallery, Chicago 2000" Roots "Cultural Arts Center, National School of Fine Arts of Peru - Lima paintings and 370 drawings series "Latin American Victims" 2001 "Screams" Yukio Mishima Cultural Center, Buenos Aires-Argentina-paintings and 350 drawings "series" Homage to the Disappeared "2002" Souvenir Album "Paintings, Drawings and Prints - Gallery Piurarte Cultural Center of the National Institute of Culture. Piura. 2004 "Faces and Traces" Brunnig National Archaeological Museum in Lambayeque. 2004 "Rituals" Municipal Library Board Brunnig Enrique Chiclayo.
2008 Exhibition of Prints Gallery Chicago Theatre May 2.
2004 "Faces and Traces" National Archaeological Museum Brunnig Lambayeque. 2004 "Rituals" Municipal Library Board Brunnig Enrique Chiclayo.
2007 "Ink, huacas and men" National Institute of Culture of Lambayeque.
"Song of the Disappeared" paintings, installation Revival Alberto Quintanilla Cultural Center of the Technological University of Peru. Lima
"Casa Artelor" in Timisoara.
Embassy of Peru in Bukar
"Art Museum" in Brasov. Romania
"Peru Graphics and Color Art Museum Arad Romania.
"Song of the Disappeared" North American Peruvian Cultural Institute Gallery Chiclayo.
2006 "Homage to the Disappeared" North American Peruvian Cultural Institute Gallery Piura.
Awards: First Place Promotion 1994 - Escuela Superior de Arte "Ignacio Merino (ESAIM) Piura, Peru First Place Painting Competition-1993 ESAIM-Piura Sculpture Competition First Place 1994 Second Place ESAIM Piura Painting Competition ESAIM-Piura-1994 Third Since Painting Competition National Institute of Culture-(INC) Piura Drawing Contest First Place-JAP-Chiclayo Second Place-Painting Floral Games INC-Piura First and Second Place Painting REGIONAL AWARD OF CULTURE INC-Piura Selected Room Trujillo Regional Painting of the First Biennial National Art Gallery Current International Economic Cooperation Council Pacific - ECCP - City of Singapore. 2002 HONOR TO CULTURE Award Issued by the National Institute of Culture-Piura. Passport Competition 2002 Second Place for an Artist Alliance Française 2003 Fourth Mention Chiclayo Figurative Painting Exhibition of Small Format Art Gallery Nucleus-Buenos Aires-Argentina. Second Mention Painting VII National Salon "New Figuration 2001" Gallery of Nations, International Art - Painting Minor Buenos Aires Cultural Center, Buenos Aires Yukio Mishima Prize II First National Exhibition Alliance Française 2001-Buenos Aires-Argentina Chamber of Awarded Second Prize, Painting figurative Nucleus Art Gallery - Buenos Aires Argentina.
Group Exhibitions: 1992 Casa de Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamin Carrion" Loja-Ecuador II Latin American Contemporary Art gallery Loja-Macara, Ecuador 1993 III Latin American Contemporary Art gallery Cajamarca, Peru 1994 IV Latin American Contemporary Art gallery Machala-Ecuador 1995 Piura Contemporary Painters Gallery "OIL COLLAGE" Lima II Teachers Hall of Arts School of Peru, Museo de la Nacion, Lima R Hall of Marine (Navy of Peru) - Museo Miguel Grau Piura Brushstrokes Painting Exhibition, National University Piuranas-Gallery Piura-(UNP) Painting Exhibition School of Agronomy (UNP) North American Peruvian Cultural Institute Exhibition-INC-Exhibition I Military Region - Piura. 1996 Anniversary Regional Association of Plastic Artists (ARAP) Piura Color and Heat-Commerce Bank-Lima "Contemporary Art Week Cultural Identity-INC (ARAP) - Piura. Harmony and Dynamics Group Exhibition District Union Square Exhibition ESAIM - Piura. I ESAIM Drawing Room Gallery Visual Arts - Piura. V Latin American Contemporary Art gallery Piura. Exhibition Cultural Integration Week V-(Homenaje, Manuel Aldana Ruiz) Museum Grau - Piura. Anniversary Exhibition ESAIM Bernal Piura District. Exhibition Club Grau (ARAP)-Congress of Tourism. Exhibition INC (ICPNA) - Piura. Expo 96 - Vicus Visual Arts Board of Piura. 1997 Exhibition of Art Permanent-Store-Miraflores-Lima-Young Painters Northern Continental Bank-Piura VI Anniversary Show (ARAP)-Club Room Merino Ignacio Grau "Northern Young Painters" Banco Continental-Trujillo Stella Mariss Association Sign-Lima-IX Colombian Ladies Association-National Museum-Lima "Contemporary Art Week Cultural Identity, National Institute of Culture (INC ) Piura Taexpolsa Gallery Group Exhibition - Lima V Anniversary Exhibition (ARAP) Hall Gallery Hotel Los Portales Piura. Radio Auction Exhibition Cutivalú - ESAIM-Piura. Regional Painting Exhibition - Piura Expo 97 - Visual Arts Room Vicús Piura. Contemporary Art Expo 1998 INC-Piura I Salon of Young Art-Museum of Contemporary Art-San Marcos National University-Lima-Trujillo Regional Chamber of the First National Biennial "From the Land of Man and the City"-Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma City Miraflores, Lima. Last Millennium "ARAP" SUNAT-Piura Chamber Cultural Exhibition Opening Local Artesanías Piuranas "Piura. Expo 98 Vicus Visual Arts Board of Piura. Tribute Exhibition Dr. Ginocchio Feijó-ARAP-SUNAT-Piura Micro Warehouse Installation "MASKS" 7 masks painted in oil on poles. 1999 End of the Second Millennium "ARAP" Cultural SUNAT-Piura Chamber Micro Installation "Requiem for the latest victims" tripersonal Drawing-Painting-Installation "Red End" - Visual Arts Room Piura-Piura Vicus. Expo 99-room Visual Arts Vicus-Piura. Maris Stella Association - Lima. Small Form-Hall 2000 Nucleus Art Gallery - Buenos As.Argentina XI Free-Topic Lounge Yukio Mishima Cultural Center Buenos Aires 2001 VII National Salon "New Figuration 2001" Gallery of Nations International Art Buenos Aires Argentina. IV Salon Color-Light Painting Loft Espacio Alfa Gallery-Art and Metaphysics-Buenos Aires Argentina. Group Show, YWCA of Buenos Aires-Centro Cultural Casa Azul-Casa Natal de Jorge Luis Borges II National Exhibition Alliance Française 2001 - Buenos Aires Argentina. Small Format Salon 2001 Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plasticos. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Group Show Gallery Centoira Dock del Plata Buenos Aires, Argentina Four Painters Gallery Dock del Plata Buenos Aires Argentina Centoira Winners Hall-Nucleus Art Gallery. Buenos Aires Argentina Group Show-Natal House of Jorge Luis Borges. Buenos Aires Argentina. 2002 National Painting LII - Huanuco - Peru. Tenth Anniversary Exhibition Gallery Piurarte ARAP-Cultural Center Inc. - Statement Urbana in 25 walls of the city of Piura. I Painting Exhibition "Indecopi Art" Gallery Piurarte I. NC Promotion Exhibition 1994 "FERNANDO DE SZYSZLO" Gallery Cultural Center Piurarte INC Piura. Festival of the Arts Huanchaco Trujillo. VII International Exhibition of Art-Chicago. "Art a tie that binds us" ARAP Piurarte Gallery Cultural Center INC 2003 Homage to Max Dextre Chiclayo Engineers Association Exhibition of Painting House Painting City Reque Chiclayo Chiclayo Lambayeque Gallery Paintings and Sculptures Library Association Anniversary Gallery ADAP-INC. Exhibition of Paintings Gallery Lambayeque MUSEUM SITE "SICAN" Ferreñafe. PASSPORT TO AN ARTIST Chicago Alliance Française XI ANNIVERSARY ARAP Municipal Museum Exhibition of Painting Vicus Piura IV National Exhibition of Painting - Painting Exhibition Huanuco Monte Castillo Anniversary Show CatacaosPiura Painters Alumni Association San Jose National Library Gallery Chiclayo. Dreams of Clay-Piura Contemporary Art L'Imaginaire French Alliance Gallery Lima Miraflores. Expo - Plastic Piurana 2003 - Anniversary of the Lions LIX Peruano. Alliance Française Gallery Piura.
His works are in private collections in Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Germany, Romania, Colombia. Brazil, England, Italy, Spain, Singapore, USA Asia